- 痰は物の鬱滞により起こる。
- 痰は体中を絶えず巡るのが良い。
- 胸郭に水が聚まり停滞すると、喘、咳、嘔吐、眩暈などの原因となる。
- 脈は、弦、微、沈、滑が良い。
- 治療法は、体を温め小便より出すのが良い。
“Medical Taiseiron” 13
- Congestion is caused by the stagnation of things.
- Congestion should go around the body constantly.
- If water stagnates in the rib cage and stagnation, it may cause asthma, cough, vomiting, dizziness, etc.
- The pulse is good in string-like pulse, faint pulse, sunken and smooth pulse.
- The treatment should be warmed up by the urine.
[Note]As a result of excessive fluid accumulation in the body, it becomes wrinkled and can cause chronic illness. A cough that does not hurt your throat is usually caused by sputum.
The image was borrowed from Kawamura Bunko.
from @hariyaiwata.
Posted by Intagrate Lite