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.本日は夏至ですね!.例年の夏至は6月21日ですが、今年は数年に1度の1日遅れです。1年のうちで最もお昼の時間が長く、陽の気が充満する日です。.夏至を期に、明日から冬至にかけて陰の気が少しずつ増加していきます。.この時期は陽の気が多いため、眠りが浅くなりやすい反面、体が活動的になります。明るい時間を楽しんでお過ごしください^_^.. Today is the summer solstice! . The summer solstice of the year is June 21st, but this year is delayed by one day every several years. It is the day when the daytime of the year is the longest and the day of the day is full of sunshine. . With the summer solstice, negative feelings gradually increase from tomorrow to winter solstice. . This time of the day there is a lot of sunshine, so sleep is likely to be shallow, while the body becomes active. Please enjoy the bright time.^_^..#二十四節気

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from @hariyaiwata.
Posted by Intagrate Lite


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