『医方大成論』11・秘結(便秘)*Instagram Image


  1. 人の体調に関係なく、養生を怠ると三焦の気が渋り、食べたものが腸胃に停滞して、秘結の症状となる。
  2. また、病により発汗、小便が多くなると、津液が枯渇して秘結となる。
  3. 加えて、産後の秘結は、失血や体が消耗していることが原因である。
  4. 秘結の原因を突き止め、まずはそれを解消するのが一番である。



” Iho Taiseiron” 11, summary of constipation.

  1. Regardless of the person’s physical condition, if you fail to take care of it, you will feel nervous about it, and what you ate will stagnate in the intestinal stomach and become a secretive symptom.
  2. In addition, sweat and exhaustion due to illness, fluid exhaustion will become secret.
  3. In addition, postpartum secrets are caused by blood loss and exhaustion of the body.
  4. Identify the cause of the secret, the first is to eliminate it.

(Note) Secretion is constipation. In modern times, there are a variety of things that come from coldness of the body due to stress and lack of exercise, and things that alternate between constipation and diarrhea.

..The image is borrowed from Kawamura Bunko.

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from @hariyaiwata.
Posted by Intagrate Lite


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