- 寒は殺厲(さつれい)の気。[※ 殺厲の気=寒冷を促す気]
- 体が弱い人、調子が悪い人が寒気に侵されると、昏倒、四肢強張り、痙攣する
- 或いは、発熱して汗出る
- 脈は遅緊
- 治療法は、温めて寒気を散らすことである
“Iho-Taiseiron” 2. “Coldness” Summary
- The coldness is qi of slaughter . [※ slaughter = urge to cool]
- people who are weak, who are in a bad condition are affected by cold, torture, strength in limbs, convulsions
- Or, sweat and fever
- pulse is lateThe treatment is to warm and dissipate the cold.
The image is borrowed from Kawamura Bunko…
from @hariyaiwata.
Posted by Intagrate Lite